Friday, May 15, 2009

Day 1: Train

Train, originally uploaded by tjkmfk.

I took this snapshot sitting outside with my son as he played in his kiddy pool. Yes, I am that close to the tracks. Yes, the trains rock the house. No, they don't wake me up. They sound like home. See I recently moved into this house on a street I lived on many years ago. So all the sounds are familiar. But it goes beyond that. This house had the same floor plan as the one I lived in so many years ago. It has an addition added to it now but they started out the same. In so many ways I feel like I've come home.
This is a sanctuary for me as I begin my walk into my new single life.


  1. Yuck, I would hate living that close to the tracks. But feeling like coming home is good.

  2. I like the sound of trains on tracks. It's soothing.

  3. I'm glad the tracks sound like home to you. Me, I think they'd drive me nuts hearing them day in and day out. :-) Good luck in your new single life!

  4. golly ya thats a bit too close for me too.
    welcome home T *hugs*
